Installation of ZStack

  1. Download Zstack from
  2. Burn ISO to USB using Rufus
  3. Boot the disk (Using UEFI whenever possible)
  4. Select “Install Zstack”
    5.Select correct Time Zone, Keyboard layout, and other settings, etc.
  5. Click into “Software Selection” and select the right edition to install
  6. At “Installation Destination”, select the disk you would like ZStack to be installed on.
  7. During Installation, you may configure root account password, and create another account
  8. Remove installation disk and allows it to reboot after installation
  9. After installation, go to http://(ip-address):5000 and login with “admin” & “password”

    11.Initialize with Wizard
  10. Perform installation as per instructions

  1. Continue to add host (Compute Node) that is installed at the other host

*Remember to enable this “Hardware virtualization” if you are installing Compute Node at Virtualized test lab.

  1. To create Primary / Backup Storage

*For Backup Storage, CEPH / SFTP is required, below is the example of creating SFTP: